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Patricio Guzmán shooting Botón de Nácar


Date of Birth: 11 August, 1941.

Nationality: Chilean and Spanish.


Theatre School, University of Chile (1960).

History School, University of Chile(1961).

Philosophy School, University of Chile(1962-64).

Film Institute, Catholic University of Chile(1964-66).

Official Cinema School, Madrid (1966-69).

Obtained “Director-Filmmaker” Diploma in 1970.


Bombay, Marseille, Guadalajara, Florence, Leipzig, Prague, Madrid, Paris, Venice (documentary section), San Sebastián (documentary section), Cannes (FIPA), Bordeaux (FIPA). Etc.



Altazor de las artes Prize, Chile (2011).

Medalla Pablo Neruda al mérito artístico, Chile (2005).

Beca Open Society Institute Soros (1999), USA.

Beca John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1993), USA.

A country without documentary films is like a family without photos.

Patricio Guzmán

Complete filmography

The First Year, 1971-1972.

The Battle of Chile I-II-III, 1972-1979.

In the Name of God, 1985-1986.

The Southern Cross, 1989-1992.

Village in Vilo, 1995.

Chile, The Obstinate Memory, 1995-1997.

Island from Robinson Crusoe, 1999.

The Pinochet Case, 1999-2001.

Madrid, 2002.

Salvador Allende, 2004.

My Jules Verne, 2005.

Nostalgia for Light, 2010.

The Pearl Button, 2015.

The Cordillera of Dreams, 2019.

Mi País Imaginario, 2022.

Kit press

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